The Principal of Peacemaking
by Doug Pors - 6/10/2024
The role of Peacemaker is the resting Posture of every Christian, or is it? Jesus said that our place in the family of God requires of us to build this principle into our lives.
Be Holy
by Doug Pors - 22/9/2024
The Christian life is all about following in the ways of Jesus. To be Holy is to live in a way that reflects the Love and worth that every person intrinsically has.
Grit and Grace, God's plan
by Doug Pors - 18/8/2024
Throughout the Old Testament we see the unfolding plan of God for humankind to be restored to relationship with Him. And the closer we look into the stories held there, we see the similar cycle of our own forgetfulness of God and His plan to draw us back through the Grace of Jesus' sacrificed life and ultimate victory in His resurrection. And this is only the beginning for us, God's plan continues and will be ultimately fulfilled when Jesus returns.
Grit and Grace, God wins
by Doug Pors - 11/8/2024
God invites us to participate in His victories and we get to bring all we have, which often, isn't much. But How quickly can we be tempted to substitute those wins and other things into the place of God?
Grit and Grace
by Doug Pors - 4/8/2024
God challenges each of us to remove the things, 'Idols' that distract us from following him wholeheartedly and asks us to begin with the idols that have come to have a place in our families. Gideon is faced with the choice to do the same, before God will allow him to lead God's people.
Grit and Grace
by Doug Pors - 28/7/2024
The Old Testament story of Deborah, points us towards the New Testament account of the life and ministry of Jesus which is an invitation to surrender our life into His hands and to experience the true peace that comes from Him.
Grit and Grace
by Doug Pors - 21/7/2024
Does God use ordinary people to fulfil His plan? Does He still have a plan?
The answer is YES! |
Where do you hide?
by Doug Pors - 14/7/2024
When your life situations get overwhelming, where do you seek refuge? Find out about the most secure place you could ever find yourself, in relationship with Jesus, who is a rock solid Saviour.
We're in it together - final - Philippians
by Doug Pors - 30/06/2024
The Secret to a satisfied and happier life is being content in every circumstance. A challenging but empowering principal which comes out of a personal knowledge that God has everything in hand and generously gives us everything we need. Not always what we want, but certainly everything we need.
We're in it together - Philippians
by Doug Pors - 23/06/2024
We are challenged to renew our thinking and have it transformed by Holy Spirit, so that we can be thinking about the good, noble, right and lovely things, which brings us joy!
We're in it together - Philippians
by Doug Pors - 16/06/2024
The Apostle Paul encourages us to see the gains we have in this life as not worth comparing to knowing Jesus. Great reminder that our most precious gift is relationship with our creator..
We're in it together - Philippians
We're in it together - Philippians
by Doug Pors - 2/06/2024
The Apostle Paul encourages the Philippian Church to be unified in their mission and purpose. And in one of his most impressive statements " For me to live is Christ, and to Die is gain!" lays out his own personal mission which he implores' the church to follow.
We're in it together - Philippians
Honest To God. Pentecost Sunday
by Doug Pors - 19/05/2024
Pentecost Sunday is the Celebration of the Christian Church's beginning, when Holy Spirit was powerfully poured out on the believers in Jerusalem, who in turn went all over the globe to bring the message of the Gospel to every human heart!
Honest To God. The Art Of Finding Favour.
Honest to God. 3D Prayer Life
by Doug Pors - 5/05/2024
The depth of our prayer life is dependant on how dimensional it is. Jesus wanted us to experience him in us, with us and through us. This is how our prayer can be more effective in the Kingdom.
Honest to God. What do you see?
by Doug Pors - 28/04/2024
Often our imagination is left behind as we grow up. This message encourages us to re-ignite our Imagination in prayer as we see what God wants to show us of his Kingdom come!
Honest to God.
by Zeke Murley 21/04/2024
Jesus pattern for prayer is something that we can all apply to our vision for the world around us. What's stopping us from praying with vision and passion?
Honest to God. What is prayer for you?
by Doug Pors - 14/04/2024
Our perception of prayer can be limited to our own experience or lack of experience. Over the next few weeks we get to explore what prayer is and how the example of others could shape a whole new view of prayer for us.
Midnight is where the day begins.
by Doug Pors - 7/04/2024
After his resurrection, Jesus comes and gently helps his disciples to see His bigger story which applies to us today!
He has risen indeed!
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Saint Patricks Day
A Beautiful Life
Parables of Jesus - The fruit that will last
Honoring the past, looking forward to the future
Famous last words; the last words of Moses
Jesus Stories Week 5 - Parable of the Vineyard
Jesus Stories Week 4 - Parable of the Weeds
Jesus Stories Week 3 - Parable of the Wedding Feast
Jesus Stories Week 2 - The Prodigal Son
Jesus Stories Week 1 - Parable of the Ten Minas
Summer Series